
Press coverage

Our work sometimes hits the news, mainly in newspapers and sometimes in the specialised press. Over the years, Skana's press coverage has stedily improved. For each article, we have added the link to the original website and an archived version for our own record, as some websites purge some of their content.

in English

  • Undercurrent News (July 5, 2018):
    UK commits to keeping trade, fishing rights separate in Brexit negotiations
    "... Speaking at the Norway-UK seafood summit in January 2018, fisheries economist and CEO of Sakana Consultants, Sebastien Metz, warned he did not think the UK sector would get its wish.
    "Trade and production won't be kept separate. Norway tried to do the same thing when it negotiated with the EU, and couldn't."..."
    (archived version)
  • Intrafish (January 30, 2018)
    For UK and Norway, a smooth Brexit is crucial
    "... “Meanwhile, the UK is home to the most fabulous lobster and scallops you can find, but they don’t eat it, they export it [only] to import lobster and scallops from the United States and Canada,” said Sebastien Metz, CEO and fisheries economist at Sakana Consultants. ..." (archived version)
  • Undercurrent News (January 30, 2018)
    Why Brexit could be a ‘nightmare’ for UK’s salmon smokers
    "... "Norway's agreement, currently seen as the best agreement a third country has with the EU in terms of fisheries, is the one the UK wants to replicate," fisheries economist and CEO of Sakana Consultants, Sebastien Metz, told Undercurrent News on the fringes of last week's Norway-UK Seafood Summit in London. ..." (archived version)
  • Undercurrent News (January 26, 2018)
    UK processing sector eager for ‘frictionless’ trade post-Brexit
    "... Sebastien Metz, CEO and fisheries economist with Sakana Consultants, also noted that any Brexit-related barriers to free movement of laborers could be an issue.
    He noted the ATQ issue could lead to increased prices to UK consumers, as, upon leaving the EU, the UK will not have access to those reduced-tariff quantities of raw materials. ..."
    (archived version)
  • Undercurrent News (January 24, 2018)
    Norwegian-UK Seafood Summit 2018: UK, Norway ‘not far apart’ in hopes for Brexit
    "... In the event of the UK gaining access to all of the fish in its own waters post-Brexit, it would be able to expand its catching sector to absorb those catches denied EU countries “easily”, said Sebastian Metz, CEO and fisheries economist with Sakana Consultants. ..." (archived version)
  • World Fishing & Aquaculture (October 18, 2017)
    Brexit and supply chain remain major UK issues
    "... Sebastien Metz co-founder of Sakana Consultant’s presentation on trade and Brexit from a European perspective led to a lively discussion around access to markets and labour. ..." (archived version)

in French

  • Le Marin (October 9, 2017)
    Brexit : des regards extérieurs pour éclairer la pêche
    "... En tout cas, dans le Brexit, la pêche n’est pas le sujet n° 1 pour la France, ni d’ailleurs pour le Royaume-Uni, malgré les flux de produits de la mer dans tous les sens tant leur consommation est déconnectée de leur production, souligne Sébastien Metz, de Sakana consultant. ..." (archived version)
  • Mer et Marine (October 9, 2017)
    La Coopération Maritime a tenu son 22ème congrès aux Sables d’Olonne
    "... Ces journées ont été intégralement consacrées aux négociations du BREXIT. Les participants se sont intéressés successivement à ses enjeux géopolitiques avec Pierre Verluise, géopoliticien, aux priorités du monde agricole avec Sylvain Lhermitte de la FNSEA, aux priorités du monde maritime avec Paul Tourret de l’ISEMAR et aux leviers de négociations pour le secteur de la pêche avec Sébastien Metz de SAKANA consultants. ..." (archived version)